$ 20.00
When you need four doors and a powerful V8 engine, the Carter Sparrow has you covered. A competitive vehicle in price and speed, many private contractors have purchased this vehicle...
$ 20.00
Larger than standard cruiser, many departments maintain a number of police SUVs for rough terrain. 28mm (1/56) scale resin model. This model kit is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Our resin...
$ 20.00
Police vehicles of all sorts are used through cities and rural areas alike. These vehicles are often fast and hardy. 28mm (1/56) scale resin model. This model kit is supplied...
$ 20.00
A capable platform, the Caribou has been offered as a civilian, law enforcement and government vehicle for the past few decades and can be found nearly anywhere. 28mm (1/56) scale...
$ 20.00
The streets of every city are filled with both passenger and work vans of all types. On the battlefields these vehicles can be used to haul both personnel and war...
$ 20.00
Large, outdated, and heavy, these vehicles are the method of transport for various drug lords or mobster underlings alike. 28mm (1/56) scale resin model. This model kit is supplied unassembled...
$ 20.00
As the years go on and technology improves, the most expensive vehicles money can buy evolve with it. Enter the Super Turbo, more expensive than a house and faster than...
$ 20.00
For those with enough money and impeccable taste, vehicles like the Inferno can break the sound barrier and leave even the most determined pursuer behind. 28mm (1/56) scale resin model....
$ 20.00
In the 1980's futurism was the next big design trend, flashy sports cars with stainless steel plates ruled the roads. Now in the modern war torn era, these vehicles ferry...
$ 20.00
Many large domestic sedans that once served as airport shuttles now sport inserted kevlar plates and bulletproof windows. 28mm (1/56) scale resin model. This model kit is supplied unassembled and...
$ 20.00
The chariot of many cartel members and middle eastern oil barons, this foreign sedan can be upgraded with armor, radar jammers, and even weapon systems for the most paranoid dictator....
$ 20.00
While the era of the small affordable pickup is long dead, looking to the past reveals a wide variety of competitive models just waiting to mount an anti-aircraft gun. 28mm...
$ 20.00
The eventual death of the wagon, muscle car, and sedan made way for a deluge of overpriced and inefficient SUVs to flood the market. Being designed like a cinderblock has...
$ 20.00
The time when cheap and accessible American muscle was all over the country's roads is long over. Now consigned to more fuel efficient and smaller cars the Reno was one...
$ 20.00
A unit that on paper doesn't exist, soldiers that no government will admit to employing. The Black Ops are called into action when all else fails and a country absolutely...
$ 25.00
Even private security firms have access to state of art heavy ballistic armor. Boosting the wearer's strength and durability allows them to carry much larger weaponry into battle. contains six...
$ 25.00
What does one do when they long for the days of slicked back long hair and a killer mix tape blasting over the radio waves, but your balding head and...
$ 20.00
When adrenaline is more important than safety standards, those with towers of money to burn often opt to indulge in a new Leopard super car. Able to leave much of...
$ 25.00
Often used as private security or as a private army, there's no shortage of individuals with dangerous skills ready to get their hands dirty for a paycheck. contains six 28mm...
$ 20.00
The wraith has been a favorite sports car across both coast lines of the US, and was even made famous through its appearance in several popular films. 28mm (1/56) scale...
$ 25.00
When intimidation and style eclipses the concern for gas prices, the classic road cruiser offers a perfect combination of style and comfort. Just pray you aren't stuffed into the back...
$ 25.00
When a job is too secret or morally questionable for a country to call upon its own armed forces to solve, there's always a seemingly infinite supply of well-trained foreign...
$ 25.00
A heavily armored utilitarian van. Useful for transporting mercenaries with questionable ethics to a hotzone, or priceless merchandise to a shady deal. 28mm (1/56) scale resin model. This model...
$ 20.00
An expensive toy for both cartel members and wannabe drug lords. Looks flashy in a corporate garage and can be used for a quick getaway or as a high value...
$ 25.00
Cheap and reliable, there never seems to be a shortage of available armored trucks to ferry mercenaries with dubious ethics across foreign borders. 28mm (1/56) scale resin model. This model...
$ 20.00
Cheap and disposable, imported civilian coupes are an incredibly common sight in nearly every populated area. 28mm (1/56) scale resin model. This model kit is supplied unassembled and unpainted....
$ 25.00
Large and heavy, classic luxury vehicles still serve members of the corporate elite and high rolling owners of private military factions throughout the new USA. 28mm (1/56) scale resin model....
$ 25.00
Luxury vehicles serve as both status symbols and discrete weaponized getaway vehicles in dense crime infested city scapes of the new Iron Curtain era. 28mm (1/56) scale resin model. This...
$ 20.00
Present in the rough streets in many of the rad-soaked combat zones, street gangs and war-zone survivors turned feral utilize numerous modes of transportation to harass larger foes and convoys....
$ 25.00
During times of conflict proper roads often are more of a luxury rather than a common occurrence, due to this every aspiring warlord is eager to add a fleet...
$ 25.00
Who says Italian luxury doesn't belong on a battlefield? When mercs need to travel in style or prove that their employers have more money than sense the Scorpion coupe makes...
$ 25.00
When a proper armored vehicle isn't available then the next best thing may be a gas guzzling block of 70's steel. Models such as the Indiana coupe proved that Americans...
$ 25.00
When crime takes hold and the highways are no longer safe, one needs only to find the flashiest and toughest muscle car around to cruise through the impeding nuclear apocalypse....
$ 25.00
Weather you need to zoom across a battlefield or meet your cousin at the local bowling alley, the road cruiser fills the role of cheap dependable beater. 28mm (1/56) scale...
$ 25.00
All private military forces utilize some form of covert transport. These sleek European vehicles often come with heavily tinted windows, modified engines and occasionally a fully armored cabin. 28mm (1/56)...
$ 30.00
A staple of every armed force, heavy trucks both miltary and civlian are used to carry troops and supplies to the battlefield 28mm (1/56) scale resin model. This model kit...
$ 25.00
The western allied nations make extensive use of a variety of 4x4 and off road vehicles both for scouting and transport needs. 28mm (1/56) scale resin model. This model kit...
$ 40.00
One of the most modern Soviet tanks, the T-80 is another enduring design. 28mm (1/56) scale resin model. This model kit is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Our resin products are...
$ 40.00
Another Soviet tank produced in large numbers, the T-72 was meant to replace the older T-55 and T-62 vehicles. Still in widespread use, the T-72 makes up the bulk of...
$ 45.00
An expensive and innovative re-design of the T series line. The T-64, although produced in fewer numbers than the T-72, is still utilized in many nations. 28mm (1/56) scale resin...
$ 40.00
The most widely produced battle tank in the world, the T-55 was in development in the late 1940's and has never gone out of service. 28mm (1/56) scale resin model....
$ 30.00
An amphibious support and recon vehicle, the PT-76 was utilized by numerous countries. 28mm (1/56) scale resin model. This model kit is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Our resin products are...
$ 40.00
The US replacement for the aging Sherman and heavy Pershing tanks. The Patton saw combat in nearly all theaters of the cold war. 28mm (1/56) scale resin model. This model...